Transforming as a public sector leader amid changing times

Author: Karen Hocking

6 June 2023


Hocking, K. (2023). Transforming as a public sector leader amid changing times(Unpublished document submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Professional Practice). Otago Polytechnic | Te Pūkenga, New Zealand. 


Executive Summary

The intent of this autoethnographic study, fused with phenomenological research, has been to explore and transform my professional practice to lead effectively both today and in future public service environments. 

We are living in unprecedented times, we are feeling the impacts of climate change, causing extreme weather events and are still feeling the effects of the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic. These are the very real environmental issues I am faced with as a senior leader in the public service. What has got me by in the past is not going to help me in the future and in this thesis, I look at my journey of change and the transformation required for modern public service leaders. 

Some of the data I used to explore the change in my practice required me to look introspectively deep into my past and retrospectively consider and make sense of the 
themes and patterns I harvested out of my data. I have measured my change in real time with my direct reports and colleagues and learnt the benefits of journaling as a reflective tool.

I am amazed at how much I have learnt about myself, my practice and the difference that has made to me in both my personal and professional life. I am much kinder on myself today; I am a believer and am so thankful to have the opportunity to have started this journey of continuous improvement and what I refer to in my final reflections as a self-determining state. 

“There is nothing permanent except change” (Heraclitus).

The world will continue to change, governments will come and go, and citizens will rightly continue to expect a lot out of public servants. As leaders refreshing out skills and remaining relevant will be critical but most importantly you must never lose your heart for service and take your eyes of those we serve and lead. They need us to be our best every day.



A copy of the thesis is not publicly available.