We're excited to announce the launch of new resources on Te Ama Tauira Student Support website, designed to support you with navigating the evolving landscape of AI and Academic Integrity.



We have new pages all about Artificial Intelligence tailored for students, offering insights into how AI can enhance learning and teaching. These pages provide practical tips, guidelines, and examples of AI tools that can be integrated into your learning and study. Whether you're looking to explore AI for the first time or deepen your understanding, these resources are here to help.


Additionally, we’ve published detailed pages on Academic Integrity. These pages outline our commitment to maintaining academic integrity and offer clear guidelines to support you in upholding these principles. From understanding AI use and plagiarism to navigating the appeals process, these pages are essential for ensuring fair and transparent academic practices.


Explore these resources today to stay informed and empowered in your learning journey.


(A big thank you to Wintec Te Pūkenga for sharing their AI guidelines with us)

Published on 29 Aug 2024

Orderdate: 29 Aug 2024
Expiry: 29 Aug 2026